About Me

I’m a computer engineer and recent graduate from the University of Louisville J.B. Speed School of Engineering. I currently work as a Software Developer at Samtec where I create visual inspection programs for electrical connectors. I enjoy working on challenging problems of all kinds. My current passion projects include developing a website to explore the prime number gap, building and designing household items with my 3D printer, and maintaining my home server. I'm seeking a position in an up-and-coming field that allows me to do meaningful and impactful work.

Contact Details

For all inquiries please reach me at


University of Louisville

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering December 2021

University of Louisville (UofL) is a publicly funded R1 research University. While here, I attending the J.B. Speed School of Engineering.


Samtec Inc

Vision Engineer February 2022 - Present

Samtec, Inc. is a worldwide manufacturer of a broad line of electronic interconnects and my current employer. Here I am responsible for providing support and create new vision programs to inspect electrical connectors. These programs range from being 2D in nature where contract and color data is used, to 3D where depth images to inspection coplanarity, to recently Machine-Learning.


Software Developing Internship May 2021 - Janurary 2022

aapptec provides a complete line of peptide products ranging from automated peptide synthesizers to peptide-related laboratory equipment and high-quality reagents. While there, I was responsible for learning their current code base for their automated peptide synthesizers. This involved fixing failing code and adding new features.

McGee Lab - University of Louisville

Student Lab Assistant & Internship Janurary 2018 - May 2021

McGee Lab investigates how experience drives changes in brain function. They studied this problem in the sensory system of rodents. The principal focus of the lab is on how specific genes govern the plasticity of brain circuitry during development. My primary focus with the lab was supporting existing software and improving it to fit certain research needs. Along with this, I was expected to be able to explain exactly what the software is doing to a high degree of accuracy for scientific purposes.


Engineering Intership May 2021 - Janurary 2022

Cloud2GND is a global engineering services firm specializing in standards-based wireless connectivity with a strong background in everything from protocol design, system development, test and qualification, and solution delivery. I got a taste for this during my internship studying Bluetooth documentation and specifications. Once it was felt that I had a solid grasp on bluetooth technology, I was tasked with quality control for various bluetooth devices to make sure they were within specification.

Applied Experience

Unraid Server

Household project December 2020 - Present

When I recieved my second stimulus check, I had most to all of my needs met and decided to spend the money on new PC. However, that left me in a lurch of what to do with my old PC, so I decided to turn it into an Unraid server. This turned out to be an awesome decision in the sence that it has taught me a ton about networking and how to self-host projects (like this website, plex, and bitwarden).

We Be Gellin'

University Capstone August - December 2021

University Capstone Project with University of Louisville and Norton Healthcare to provide training on how to preform the WHO’s 5 moments of hand hygiene through VR and 360 videos. This was a team effort where I was responsible for the coding and design of the project.

RedBird Robotics

University of Louisville Affliated Club Janurary 2017 - March 2020

Redbird Robotics participates in the Internation Aerial Robotics Competion, or IARC. This goal of this competion is to push the bounds of robotics with college affliated teams from around the world. During my time with the team, we focused on missions 7, 8, and 9. The goal with mission 7 was to herd colored roombas with a drone to one side of a basketball court. My goal with the team was to help identify roombas based their color using OpenCV and ROS message system. With mission 8 and 9, I started taking on a more leadership position and helped guided the team on computer science and localization issues.

Drivable Roomba

DerbyHacks (University of Louisville) 2019

During my last hackaton before COVID, I borrowed one of RedBird Robotics roombas and used it's serial connection to be able to reprogram it be steerable through a remote controlled arduino joystick.

Net Neutrality Bot

Hack the Hill (Western Kentucky University) May 2017

The main project to my Hack the Hill project. I worked on this with Aaron Fox. While we were attending this hackaton, Net Neutrality became a big issue again through social media. We decided that it interesting to explore the idea of making a bot that would tweet reply to members of congress about the issue. We used a combination of sentence structs that worked well together to create different combinations of messages. This was done to in attempt make sure twitter didn't ban our bot immediately. However, we have taken the bot down.

Bear Text-To-Speak Bot

Independent Hack the Hill Project 2017

A class given during the hackaton on nodejs and how to setup bots. As a side project to try it out, I created a bot that would take text and convert it to bear roars. It was a rudiementary implementation where the length of the word would determine the which roar would be used. This project is currently offline.


  • Linux/Bash
  • Python
  • C/C++
  • C#/.Net
  • OpenCV
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JS/JQuery
  • NodeJs
  • PHP
  • ROS
  • Gazebo
  • Arduino

